Northern Suburbs Dog Training Club Code of Conduct and Complaints Policy

Last updated: 29 March 2023 

Members code of conduct in person, via email and on social media
  • Treat everybody with respect, courtesy, fairness and honesty
  • Promote a collaborative and harmonious environment
  • Act with due care and diligence and follow club safety rules
  • Follow Facebook protocols
  • Compose and reply to emails respectfully
  • Understand the guidelines and advice that underpin and support NSDTC’s positive reinforcement training methods
  • Uphold the values and good reputation of the club
  • Avoid conflicts, report conflicts that cannot be avoided and cooperate in conflict management
  • Only use official information for the club-related purpose for which it was intended
  • Only use a position and / or resources for a proper purpose
Complaints Policy for members

A member who is unhappy with the conduct of another member may report this to the secretary in writing.

The secretary will inform the president and report the complaint to the relevant Chief Instructor or Discipline Coordinator. They will discuss the complaint with the president to decide upon a course of action. The President may call a meeting with the Vice-Presidents, the Office bearers or a whole committee meeting as necessary to discuss the complaint.

The President, relevant Chief Instructor or Discipline Coordinator will contact the member to acknowledge verbally and in writing that the complaint has been received and to discuss a resolution. The secretary will be notified of the complaint, process followed and resolution.

Persistent inappropriate conduct or a single incident of unlawful behaviour or unlawful discrimination will invoke the constitutional process.

If the complaint is between discipline coordinators, the Secretary will directly inform the President who will decide on appropriate action. If the complaint is about the President, the secretary will inform the Vice-Presidents. The constitutional process will determine the response.

A register of complaints, complainants and resolution processes will be kept by the Secretary and reviewed periodically by the President and Vice-Presidents.

Appendices for NSDTC Code of Conduct and Complaints Policy


Some examples of inappropriate conduct
  • bullying
  • name calling and other negative comments
  • negative comments about members work
  • not recognising all members as equals
  • deliberate exclusion of a member or members
  • passing on emails unnecessarily, especially emails with negative comments about others
  • deleting or controlling Facebook posts without following due process
  • inappropriate or negative Facebook posts
  • angry or rude outbursts
  • verbal threats or swearing
  • physical threats or physical contact
  • aversive training methods with dogs


Definition of bullying

Bullying is behaviour deliberately repeated over time that causes physical, social and/or psychological harm. It can have immediate and long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders. Bullying can
happen in person or online.


Register of complaints content
  • Complaint / report of inappropriate or unlawful conduct
  • Name of complainant
  • Brief description of process followed and resolution
  • Relevant dates